Friday 10 July 2015

Liberia Ebola Resurgence, Five Confirmed Cases, Seven in ETU

The Liberian government has announced that there are five confirmed cases of Ebola in Liberia. The Chief Medical Officer of Liberia Dr. Francis Kateh made the disclosure Thursday at a Ministry of Information regular press briefing.
Dr. Kateh said Liberia is once more in a critical situation that requires the collective efforts of every citizen and foreign national to adhere to the measure and do what is best to the save the nation and its people.
"As of today's date, we have had five confirmed cases in the country. One of the five is the index who is not with us (dead). The four are presently at the Ebola treatment unit, receiving the best possible care that can be provided to anyone with Ebola disease.
"From the first wave to the second wave, we have changed a lot of things. We have developed a lot of protocols; based on that, we are providing the best care.
"Presently we have 120 persons that are basically under precautionary observations. This is done voluntarily. Amongst the 120 persons, we have about eleven of them that are at highest risk. We have categorized them based on what we know that the disease is a contact disease, based on the risk of exposure, forty-two are at high-risk, thirteen medium, and forty-nine low," Dr. Kateh told the news conference.
He also added that seven persons were in the Ebola treatment unit, with three of them suspected and four confirmed. According to him, the three have gone through the first test and came out negative and based on their protocol, there will be a test again.
"After the repeat, if they come out negative, we will treat them for different sicknesses. The key thing here is that we are in control. Our men are in the field and some are at the command center near the Roberts International Airport (RIA) including the active site."

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