Thursday 11 June 2015

'ISIS Plan To Smuggle Nuclear Bomb Into US For 9/11 Anniversary Attack' Chuck Norris Thinks Loud

It sounds like a plot from one of his action films where only he could save the day.But Hollywood star Chuck Norris is convinced Islamic State (ISIS) want to smuggle a nuclear weapon into America for a world-changing attack on the anniversary of 9/11.
He believes the reason the US army is mysteriously amassing in seven southern states is to prevent ISIS smuggling nuclear warheads into the country and destroying cities. can also today reveal that action star Norris believes the solution to defeating ISIS is to "send 'em all to Mars".
The US Air-force vet-turned martial arts expert and actor has gone public with his very own conspiracy theory. It follows the mysterious Jade Helm15 US military operation in seven southern US states which begins next month and lasts until the end of September.
The 75-year-old, now a Christian evangelist, believes it is a show of strength and a bid to stop the world's deadliest Jihadist movement smuggling nuclear arms into the states to set it off around the anniversary of 9/11.
We reported this week how conspiracist website Whistleblower800 believed to have cracked what Jade Helm was all about - suggesting it was to get troops ready to deal with predicted anarchy in the days before an asteroid that would wipe out the world was about to hit from September 22 to 28.
Other conspiracists have said Jade Helm is about bringing martial law in or seizing guns from the public.
Norris agrees the world is at risk in September, but does not agree with the asteroid theory, or any of the other Jade Helm predictions. He instead fears it could be the onset of a global nuclear war.
After serving in the air force, Norris became a martial arts expert, before starring in a slew of kung fu and action movies from 1968 onwards. He starred alongside Bruce Lee in Way of the Dragon and the Missing in Action trilogy.
More recently, the actor who holds "conservative political views", had a starring role in the TV series Walker, Texas Ranger from 1993 until 2001.
Writing on the WND Commentary website, he said: "I believe Jade Helm 15 is more than 'just a training exercise,' and I think ISIS just gave us the clue.
"I do believe, in addition to the largest domestic military training, it is also a display of power intended for deterrence of enemies like ISIS, whom the FBI has already said have tentacles in all 50 states.
"And guess who just released its intent to smuggle nuclear weapons across the U.S.-Mexico border? You guessed it. ISIS.
"ISIS even has a nuclear plan."

UK Express 

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