Thursday 19 February 2015

White People Are Smart But These 18 Photos Prove Otherwise...

For years (more like centuries), white people have professed to be the smartest people in the whole wide world.
We might have found proof that this allusion might just not be true. In fact, we found 18 of them..
Check out the following photos below...

1. Swings are meant for kids not you grown ups...duh
2. Riding his way into disaster...
3. Can't handle two cups...smh
4. Bullseye?
5. We just said swings are for kids...sish
6. Seems like riding a bike isn't that easy anymore
7. "Hey, I'll just ignore the signs, walk right into the snow, slip and fall"
8. Saddle up!
9. "Is that a baseball bat coming right us? Wait, let me get my surprise face on"

10. Hammer time

11. Okay, it's official; white men can't ride bikes

12. Missing the point can be a pain in the balls

13. We're not even going to think of describing this

14. Humpty wall, big fall

15. White girl's way of holding it down for a sister

16. Dog; certainly not his best friend 

17.  This is just downright stupid

18. No more bikes!

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