Sunday 7 December 2014

With N5m I Will Get A Girlfriend

Olalowo Olatokun is a graduate of Electrical Electronics Engineering at University of Lagos. Recently he was a guest at the popular TV show ‘Who Want To Be a Millionaire” where he won N5m. in this interview with EDWIN USOBOH, he shares his experience

See excerpt of his interview after the cut....

How do you feel winning N5m in the program?
It’s a pleasure, it’s a relief. I was nervous when I first came here. Ever since I got the call and text message that I have been invited to play on the show. I felt a little nervous during that period. But right now am very happy and relieved.

How did you get to know about the show?
I like to watch television, so I stumbled on the show around October, 2004 as it was premiering, and I have been watching ever since.

When did you start applying to contest?
I didn’t start playing immediately, I was too nervous. But I played along the line and when I didn’t get called back, I stopped. I remember, I tried again during one of the Valentine Specials and I was invited, but since it required coming with a partner, and I didn’t have a partner so I couldn’t come. Then I tried again and here I am.

While you were undergoing selection process, what questions were you asked?
I was asked about Madiba, that’s Mandela. I was asked what age he was when he was released from prison.

Were you able to get it?
No I didn’t. I can’t even remember the answer I gave. But I guess I was close to the answer, hence my being invited, ultimately. Talking about partner, you admitted that because you didn’t have a partner then, you couldn’t come. But have you got one now? No, I still don’t have oo. Well, between then and now, there’s been one or two but at present there’s no one.

Any hope for one?
Well, yes definitely. When there’s life, there’s hope.

What do you want to do with this winning?
I am going to leave it in the bank for now. I wouldn’t want to be careless with it while I think of the next step to take.

But you need to tell us one or two things that you must have been planning?
Well, yeah. I could support my brother who is into diesel business. I mean that is an avenue to invest my money and an avenue to support his business. To be honest, I think that’s about it. For now I don’t have any immediate concrete project that is going to take that money. At least right now, something could come up tomorrow but right now, nothing.
Talking about brother, it means you are not the only one in the family, could you tell us your family size?
I am the first-born child in the house, I have two younger ones, a boy and a girl with my mother.

What influenced your choice of who you came with to the show?
Jelili is my honest friend; he tells me the truth even when it hurts. I needed someone I could be comfortable with and he is that person. That’s why I chose him.

You have been part of the audience a number of times; could you narrate your experience?
Being a part of the studio audience is exciting, you get to meet different people and hear different story. Also, there’s something about the musicintro montage that makes my heart skip even when I watch the show from home.

How many times have you been here as an audience member?
Well, I have been here a number of times.
I think I have lost count actually, because it dates back to 2008.

Can you lend us into your background?
My name is Olalowo Olatokun, my friends and family call me ‘Lowo’. I was born more than 30 years ago. I studied Electrical Electronics Engineering at University of Lagos and I currently work in the tax field-LIRS.

source: newtelegraphonline

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