Saturday 6 December 2014

(Learning) 5 Great Reasons Why You Should Take Fish Oil

Fish Oil comes highly recommended for several reasons including its amazing effects on the heart, eyes and even brain.

Vitamins could serve as great supplements of our nutritional needs but with so many different kinds available, deciding which to take can get a little over whelming.

Fish oil is just one of the many several vitamins that come very highly recommended and this is because it contains Omega 3essential fatty acids which can be great for the eyes, skin and even combating heart conditions and weight loss.

Here are 5 reasons why fish oil makes a great vitamin supplement to stick with.
  1. Great for the heart: With heart related conditions on the rise, fish oil can offer immense protection for the heart, reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. It also lowers the level of bad cholesterol, and increases the level of good cholesterol while also reducing the risk of stroke.
  2. Aids weight loss: According to research done in University of South Australia, fish oil improves the efficacy of exercise in attempts to reduce weight.
  3. Improved immunity: Research also shows that fish oil is great for boosting the immune system thereby enabling the resistance of cold, cough and flu.
  4. Boosts brain power: Studies found that patients who took fish oil were less subjective to brain shrinkage which meant improved cognitive functioning for users.
  5. Great for skin: You know we couldn't round off this list without mentioning the amazing benefit of fish oil to the skin right? Fatty acids can act as natural moisturizers that revitalize dry skin from the inside out, leaving it hydrated and supple.

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