Monday 10 August 2015

Caitlyn Jenner 'Is Only Attracted To Women'

According to TMZ, the 65-year-old is 'into women just as much as Bruce'.
It claims members of her family have asked her which gender she is attracted to, and she has replied unequivocally.
It alleges that any apparent confusion over the matter stems from the editing tricks of I Am Cait producers.
In the latest trailer for Sunday's upcoming episode, the former Olympian appears to admit she's still not sure which sex she is more attracted to.
In the clip, Caitlyn is having a dinner party with some of her girlfriends, the topic of conversation soon turns to sex and relationships. 
'I wanna hear what it's like to date as a trans woman in our community,' Cait's friend - and rumoured girlfriend - Candis Cayne announces.
'Caitlyn you start,' someone shouts, catching the former Olympian off guard.

'Absolutely nothing!' she grins while the room laughs along.
Chandi, another of her friends, then interjects: 'I know for a fact you've said many times that you've only been attracted to women...' 
'I've only been with women,' she clarifies, before declaring: 'I have bigger things than an orgasm to worry about.'
When the table is then asked: 'who's more attracted to men?' Caitlyn looks around intrigued at all the hands drifting up.
When all eyes settle on her, she realises her own hand is half up - and she quickly pulls it down. 
'Was that a hand?' one of them asks. 
'I don't know, I don't know,' she hurriedly replies. 'I've never been with a guy.' 
Afterwards to camera, Caitlyn doesn't appear any more certain about her sexuality.
'You're gonna date women, you're gonna date men, what are you gonna do.... I don't know!' she confesses in frustration.

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