Saturday 11 July 2015

12-Yr Old Boy Dies After Gang Throw Him Off Bridge For Refusing To Murder Bus Driver

A 12-year-old boy, Angel Ariel Escalante Perez, was hauled to death from a bridge by a ruthless gang for refusing to follow their instruction and kill a commercial driver.
Perez had been walking home from school when he was ambushed by the thugs. They gave him a gun, and told him he had to shoot a bus driver or be killed himself.
The 12-year-old’s father, Luis, is a bus driver, so Perez refused to obey the gang, preferring them to take his own life instead. The gang then gave him the choice of death by being chopped up by machetes, or thrown off a bridge. He chose the latter, and as a result they threw him off the Incienso Bridge, located in Guatemala City, which is one of the longest bridges in Central America, Metro UK, reports.
Despite plunging 443 feet, Perez survived after landing in the thick foliage below. He laid critically injured for 72 hours there while a frantic search for him took place. Eventually his father with family and friends found him and then rushed him to hospital for treatment. Doctors battled to save his life for 15 days before he eventually succumbed to death following the injuries he sustained. Health workers believe he could have been saved had he been found earlier.

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