Saturday 13 June 2015

World's First Penis Transplant Recipient To Become A Father

South African man who made headlines in March for having the world's first successful penis transplant is to become a father, his surgeon has said
The man’s girlfriend is four months pregnant, Professor Andre van der Merwe said, proving that without a doubt “the transplant worked”.
The 21-year-old recipient, who has not been identified, lost his penis in a botched traditional circumcision three years ago and had the ground-breaking, nine-hour surgery in December.
"This is what we intended, that he should be able to stand up and be able to urinate and have intercourse, so it is a milestone for him," Dr Van der Merwe, head of Stellenbosch University's Division of Urology, told the BBC.
He added that he was “very pleased” for his patient that he was to become a father.
Circumcision is widespread in South Africa, where it is actively promoted as a way to reduce the risk of HIV infection.
This year’s traditional circumcision season has just begun and will see thousands of young men head to camps in the country’s rural areas to undertake what is also seen as a rite of passage.
However, experts believe that up to 250 initiates lose their penises to amputation each year, and many more suffer horrific disfigurements because of unskilled or unscrupulous practitioners, unsterilised instruments and infection.
Dr Mahlane Phalane, general secretary of the South African Medical Association Trade Union, has called for government to better regulate “this sacred cultural practice” to ensure there are no deaths this year.

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