Sunday 28 June 2015

New Condom That Can Kill STDs

You know that condoms offer a ton of protection against pregnancy and STDs, but unfortunately, they're not perfect. Particularly when it comes to viruses that can be spread through skin-to-skin contact—like herpes and HPV—condoms don’t provide complete protection.

But a new condom that was just approved for sale in Australia looks like it might be the future of safe sex. The VivaGel condom is a standard condom with your usual barrier protection, but it also comes with an added lubricant, which contains 0.5 percent astodrimer sodium (or VivaGel), which has been shown in lab tests to inactivate up to 99.9 percent of HIV, HSV (herpes simplex virus), and HPV. Yes, inactivate.

"When it comes into contact with those viruses in either semen or in vaginal secretions, it can inactive them," says Jackie Fairley, chief executive officer of Starpharma, the pharmaceutical company that created VivaGel. 

She explains that the risk of being exposed to these viruses is influenced by the number of virus particles you’re exposed to. 

If VivaGel inactivates up to 99.9 percent of those particles, that greatly reduces the risk of transmission.

Obviously, this is something we want—and need—from a condom: further protection from STDs, especially those that can be spread through skin-to-skin contact. In consumer research studies so far, Fairley explains that people have been incredibly interested, with about 85 percent of people saying they would buy it. 

"The appeal was almost as strong across all age groups and relationship statuses," says Fairley. "Physical barrier alone is the best we have right now, but it could be better."

The VivaGel condom received approval from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia last week (which is similar to receiving FDA approval in the U.S.). It will be marketed as LifeStyles Dual Protection and available for sale in Australia in the next few months. 

The product has also been approved in Japan, and they have plans for it to come to the U.S. soon. We'll have to wait and see if it gains FDA approval before we can expect to see it in stores. 

But as awesome as this sounds, some experts are wary of the new lubricant and its potential side effects. HPV researcher Anna-Barbara Moscicki, M.D., a pediatrics professor at University of California, San Fransisco,recently said that she studied VivaGel as an intravaginal cream and noted mild irritation and inflammation in test subjects. However, her study looked at a 3 percent concentration of the drug, while the new condom would contain just 0.5 percent. Still, it's something to keep in mind if this condom does end up on our drugstore shelves. 

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