Sunday 31 May 2015

Enjoy Reading This Story Shared By AZ's Reader

I saw this on a friends facebook timeline and I decided to share it with you guys.
An armed robber visits a guy and his fiancee which are planning to get married in few months time, after robbing them, he hands his gun over to the guy and told him to shoot his fiancee or else he will kill him but the guy refuses on account of his love for his future wife.

The robber smiled, collected the gun from him, and gave the gun to the lady and told her to shoot the guy if she does not want him to kill her, Alas! She fearfully pulled the trigger but there was no bullet in the gun.

The robber smiled, took his gun back from her and told the guy to decide if what exists between him and his fiancee  is really ‘LOVE’, then he left.

The man was disappointed at his fiancee and immediately, the girl began to plead.
If you were in the guy’s shoe, Would you forgive.

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