Sunday 25 January 2015

How Men Communicate In Relationships

In relationships, men express themselves in different ways from women. This stems from the fact that not only is the male way of thinking different, just the simple notion that the body makeup differs is a pointer to the differences in individual’s communication code.

For men, it is important for the significant other to be able to decode how the male partner communicates his needs in a relationship. Eric J. Leech, writer and relationship expert, shares his thoughts.
Straight to the point
While a woman has the tendency to dwell on details, men prefer to go straight to the point.  Many men do not like to use many words to communicate their feelings. “He removes all the long, unnecessary details, and gets right down to the conclusion. So, when you ask a man to tell you how his day went, all he’ll say is that it was fine. That means it was a good day. When you ask if he’s happy in your relationship and he says it’s good, take it to mean that he sees you in his “happily ever after.” Just because you don’t get details, it doesn’t mean you’re not important,” Leech observes.
Silence is golden
Women are usually in the mood for an array of discussions while men would rather take time to think. This period of silence has the tendency to worry a woman to the point that she thinks she has probably done something wrong. However, as Leech notes, a man’s silence is actually a form of communication. In this mode, it is necessary for a woman to focus instead on the man’s body language and other non-verbal signs. According to Leech, “You can assume that your guy is happy when he’s quiet, most of the time. Guys don’t advertise their happiness the way women do, so go ahead and take his silence to mean that he’s content.”
Need to be alone
As much as romantic relationships involve being together, men sometimes want to be alone, even when the house is full. Thus, if he can’t find some quiet space within the confines of his home, he may seek solace elsewhere. This doesn’t necessarily translate into the fact that he is uncomfortable with the sight of loved ones, but he may need the time to work out some issue and needs the peace of mind and absolute quiet. Leech advises women to “Give him the respect and the time he needs to work things out for himself. Also, consider that men concentrate on one thing at a time. Sometimes you’ll be the centre of his universe. Other times, it will be his career or his health. But just because he pushes you away, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. He’ll be back.”
The ego trick
Men are sometimes drawn into arguments. And when it comes to having a disagreement with his significant other, there is the tendency for the male partner to prove the point that he is right, even as far as evading methods on how to make things right. Thus, a woman should know when to throw in the towel for the sake of peace. “During an argument of the heart, tongues can grow heated as a guy struggles to prove his valor. Men have a lot of stake when it comes to their honor, and being proven wrong is a defeat to his ego. Rarely is an argument completely one-sided, so if you want to skip the trial and move straight to the sentencing, skip the part about who’s at fault, and just ask him how he proposes to make things right,” Leech states.

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