Monday 12 January 2015


She's no doubt, pretty, talented and sexy looking, Eku Edewor, could be best described with those qualities. But according to her, confidence rather than size is what's really makes a woman sexy.

The model cum presenter and actress maintained that her skinny body is never a disadvantage for her in attracting men owing to the fact that Nigerian men are known to like their women 'thick', but instead of looks, her confidence is really what makes her sexy.
"I think having attractive inner qualities is really what makes a person sexy, not so much the size. Plus when I give them the eyes and hair flick, the men will drool" she said in a recent interview.
Eku who is known for her impeccable style further said that the focus for people shouldn't be on the looks but rather the attitude as this is what truly makes a person.
"If your confidence is based on how you look, you'll always be insecure," she hinted.

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