Tuesday 13 January 2015

Effects Of Sleep Debt On Driving

The rate of accident is still very high in Nigeria and one of the factors responsible for this is inadequate sleep by drivers. The medical prescription is that drivers are to have a minimum of six  hours of uninterrupted sleep before  embarking on a journey.

A driver that fails to have enough sleep daily is accumulating sleep debt which must be paid with adequate sleep to prevent the manifestation of the devastating consequences which include:
• Mental, emotional and physical fatigue.
• Micro sleep.
• High blood pressure
• Migrane-like headache
• Aching muscles.
• Diminishing ability to perform high – level cognitive functions (reduced performance ability).
• Increased risk of fibromyalgia.
• Confusion.
• Memory lapses or memory loss.
• Hand and leg tremors.
• Hallucinations.
• Irritability.
• Reduced concentration.
• Depression.
• Increased stress hormonal level
• Poor co-ordination of the body organs.
• Cerebral arterioclorosis.
• Heart attack.
• Stroke.
• Death.

Professional drivers, drivers of own vehicles and employers of drivers must clearly understand the consequences of  inadequate sleep or sleep debt as well as take precautionary measures to avoid the devastating hazards. Employers of drivers must always remind themselves that the drivers are human beings handling a very complex work which requires the simultaneous use of the eyes, nose, ears, brain, hands,and legs in a continuously changing environment. The drivers therefore need to sleep in a comfortable place and have enough rest after a driving task.
A situation where drivers are not allowed to go on annual leaf to refresh their body and health is laden with dangers.
Always remember that the road is patient but it does not forgive. As we are now in a new year, I hereby plead with all road users to be safety-conscious all the way.

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