Saturday 6 December 2014

The Wrath Of Laide Bakare

Laide Bakare just returned from the States after giving birth to her 3rd  but  what is making her angry. She wants to be left alone.

Laide’s new husband, Alhaji Orilowo also called ATM is said to be involved is some fraudulent and shady business that he had to flee from the country to run away from the authorities. Laide now wants to move on and put all that behind her but haters are not letting her,. Here’s what she told a reporter when contacted;

"You can’t change who I am. I don’t talk about my marriage. I can’t talk about my love. I just don’t find it convenient discussing my love. It’s nobody’s business. I am in love, good. I am remarried, good. I have a new kid, good, I am who I am, good, I am contented and I am so happy with my life. Thus, anybody who is not happy with my new found joy should go to hell.

source: dailytimes

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