Sunday 3 May 2015

“It’s Getting Exhausting Trying For Second Baby Is No Longer Fun” Kim & Kanye West

Kim Kardashian has made it no secret that she and husband Kanye West, are trying to conceive another child. And it certainly seems to be a labour of love for Kim who recently revealed how draining the process has been. The 34-year-old actress opened up to E! News about the tiresome adventure. She told E!
We are trying. We try every single day. You can’t try harder than we try.
It’s getting exhausting. He [Kanye] always says, “Trying for baby No. 2 isn’t as fun as trying to baby No. 1.”‘
See E-news interview extracts after the cut.....

Difficulties they faced when giving birth to 20-month-old daughter, North
“I did go through a lot with the delivery and so we faced a couple challenges.
“But we’re literally trying everything that we can to make it happen, so I’m to the point now where it’s not as stressful to me. And maybe that’s when they say it happens.”

Kim reveals she may be open to using a surrogate
I think if it came to that point, but we’ve trying for over a year and I would maybe wait a couple of years until that point happened.”
On celebrating their one year wedding anniversary this May
“You just learn all the little things about each other.
“We love to work out together. We love to have the TV on and I’m cooking and we’re playing with our daughter. You know we have this routine…[we] love being together. And so I think you learn something about each other every single day when you’re living together.
“They say that the first year and everything in marriage is the hardest, and I’m like, “If this is the hardest, then life is going to be really good—because it’s just not hard.”

How will they be celebrating their anniversary?
“You know we were supposed to go to Africa. One of our good friends got us a safari for our wedding gift and I think we’re just going to stay home and chill out.
“May is a really busy month for us, so I think we just want to hang out and relax.”
“Unless he [Kanye] has something planned – he always has something up his sleeve and he always has something planned, so I don’t know, but I don’t put it past him to do something really special.”

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