Monday 16 February 2015

Why I’ll vote GEJ –Rita Dominic

Actress, Rita Dominic, has declared her support for President Goodluck Jonathan ahead of the 2015 presidential elections which holds March 28.

“I have followed the 2015 elections with keen interest and have deduced that this is definitely a critical vote in Nigeria’s young democratic history.

 As a result I feel that this is not a time to keep silent in the face of the trials and tribulations we face as citizens of Nigeria,” the actress said, appealing to Nigerians to eschew violence, stating that she has noticed that there seems to be so much intolerance for the views and choices of others which has resulted in cyber bullying and intimidation.

“Voting is a constitutional right and a matter of personal choice and it is important that we respect this. That said, I would like to let everyone know that I will be voting for President Goodluck Jonathan and Vice- President Namadi Sambo on March 28. I have outlined some of the major reasons for my vote in a short video entitled I Will Vote Again.

“For those who have not made up their minds which candidate to vote for, I implore that you visit to read and see for yourselves many of our President’s achievements,” she said.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As will I, after i collect my PVC