Wednesday 11 February 2015

Men Experience ‘Menopause’ Too

A 46-year-old teacher, Taiwo Olujobi, thought he had erectile dysfunction (ED) because his wife’s incessant complaints about his manliness.  He too observed that he could not sustain his erection for long. He resorted to some aphrodisiacs, to no avail.  He then decided to pay a visited the hospital.

At the clinic, Olujobi was diagnosed of “andropause.” He was stunned, because he thought it is only women that experience anything called ‘pause’
A nurse (name withheld) took time to explain the condition to him, saying the term ‘male menopause’ refers to the hormonal changes that some men experience as they get older. As men age, their testosterone levels tend to decrease. This shift can cause physical, emotional, and psychological changes.
The nurse expalained that there is no doubt that a man’s sexuality changes with advancing age.
“The instant, anytime, ‘as-many-times-as-you-want’ erections experienced at  18 years, do not last forever. With advancing age, the urge reduces, erections take time to come on, any time is not always a good time and the male organ requires more direct stimulation in order to get aroused. Besides, the erections may not be as angled and rigid, and ejaculation becomes feebler. The refractory period (interval) between erections gets prolonged”, she said.
According to a Consultant Urologist, at Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH),  Dr Habib Tijani, the above sums up a condition called Andropause in men. It is also known as Androgen deficiency in the ageing male (ADAM for short).
He said: “Like menopause in women, it is usually due to the age- related reduction in the sex hormones, this is due to a reduction in the active body testosterone which tends to occur as men age. Andropause is a distinct physiological phenomenon that is in many ways akin to, yet in some ways, quite different from the female menopause. A healthy man has a testosterone level of 300–1,200 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter). A man’s testosterone level usually peaks in his 20s. After age 30, the average man’s testosterone level declines one per cent each. Thus, by age 70, a man’s testosterone level might reach 50 per cent of his pre-”menopause” level.”
Dr Tijani said, “Menopause is a condition most often associated with women. It occurs in a woman when she ceases to menstruate and can no longer become pregnant. Men experience a different type of ‘menopause’ or life change. It usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 60, but sometimes as early as age 30. Unlike women, men can continue to father children, but the production of the male sex hormone (testosterone) diminishes gradually after age 40.
“Testosterone is the hormone that stimulates sexual development in the male infant bone and muscle growth in adult males, and is responsible for sexual drive. It has been found that even in healthy men, by the age of 55, the amount of testosterone secreted into the bloodstream is significantly lower than it is just 10 years earlier. In fact, by age 80, most male hormone levels decrease to pre-puberty levels. Men in andropause can also experience a lowered sperm count and a reduction in the proportion of red blood cells in their plasma. If you notice any of the signs and symptoms, visit your doctor right away. Menopause happens suddenly; ‘male menopause’ can take decades. While all women experience menopause, some men never experience ‘male menopause.’ Men’s testosterone levels vary widely. Someone in his 80s with a testosterone level of 600 ng/dL exits, and someone in his 30s with a level of 150 ng/dL equally exists.”
Are there predisposing factors?  Yes, there are, he says.
He identified obesity and diabetes as contributing factors to low testosterone.
Ge said: “It is important to take care of yourself as a healthy lifestyle is the best guarantor that your testoserone will remain at a healthy level as you age. Make sure you do exercise and eat a healthy diet.”
Dr Tijani said should a man be experiencing some of the following symptoms, it is advisable to visit your doctor. “They can determine whether you are undergoing andropause. With proper care and support, you’ll feel better in no time”, he stated.
He said: “The symptoms are- Low sex drive; difficulties getting erections or erections that are not as strong as usual; lack of energy; depression; irritability and mood swings; loss of strength or muscle mass; increased body fat and hot flashes. Although symptoms may vary from person to person, other warning signs of andropause include fewer spontaneous erections, breast enlargement, reduced endurance, tiredness, decreased motivation and self-confidence, difficulty remembering things and inability to concentrate, increased irritability and nervousness and reduced muscle size and strength.”

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