Monday 24 November 2014

She Gainned 500 Pounds During Pregnancy: That's Exaggerated!

Hello, is someone telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth here, or is she just trying to impress by making us see how hard she'd worked to get back her shape? Yes we are impressed by her new shape not by lies!Kim Kardashian claims in a new interview that she gained a whooping 500 pounds during North West's pregnancy. Wow, that's a lot!

Speaking on Perth’s 92.9FM, Kim when asked if she'd support her daughter to go completely naked in public like her, she said: ‘I would support anything she wants to do.‘I don’t do anything with the intention to promote anyone else doing it, that’s not even what I’m
trying to do. I do it because I’m proud of it and it empowered me to feel good about myself after I had gained 500 pounds and looked like a huge slob for so long.’

The ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ star made the decision to pose nude after giving birth when she was pregnant and felt ‘the lowest’ she has ever been because of her changing body.She said: ‘I had a really bad pregnancy and I gained a lot of weight and I did not feel good about myself. I felt probably the lowest I have ever felt in my life.‘Just yesterday I saw a clip of me when I must have been about eight months pregnant – huge!‘I said, ‘Guys, just wait until I have this baby, as soon as I get my body back and I feel good about myself, I’m going to do some naked shoot so just be ready.’

Now, we laid our hands on one of her photos as at the time she was really heavy before she had her North. This is how she looked at 9-months. We are not exactly sure whether or not she added the baby's weight with hers to get the 500 pounds or she's talking her very own

Even if she's talking about her weight plus that of the baby, maybe it could be yet, there are possibility the whole figure was exaggerated. And if she was talking about her own weight then, that's far from the truth with this picture here. Besides, pregnancy is a beautiful thing
and we wonder why some women would go all the way to insult a pregnant woman for getting fat when they knew why the weight gain in the first place.

We think that's what informed her going all the way to try and prove her sexiness, which is good because we are impressed she could have that figure even after a child yet, she's just trying too hard. No wonder even after she vowed and cried not to ever strip naked after her first ever naked photo was published, she still broke her vow and even took it farther with a full frontal shot...that's trying too hard to impress people!

Obviously, what she wants to achieve is for people to have a better and sexier image of her before her second pregnancy, so that all the insults she received during her first pregnancy wouldn't come up this time around.  And yes, we think her second pregnancy will be different because we foresee her doing a lot of exercise to minimize excessive weight gain.

source: dailytimes

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