Monday 24 November 2014

75-Year-Old Grandfather Impregnates 13-Year-Old Girl

A 75-year-old grandfather, Pa Muse Alabi, who should be playing with his grand kids is still very much in the sex game, as he has been arrested for allegedly raping and impregnating a 13-year-old girl. And he claims he only slept with her twice, wondering how that could have resulted in a pregnancy!

According to the Nigerian Tribune Newspaper, Pa Alabi is currently being held at the Oyo State Criminal Investigation Department of the state police command, where the anti-social behaviour unit is investigating a case of defilement which has resulted in pregnancy.
According the Tribune, Pa Alabi who is a carpenter, was contracted by a lady under whom the victim was an apprentice, to build a safe for her. It was during the course of the project that he lured the teenager into having sex with him.

After the first sexual intercourse they had, it was learnt that the suspect gave the girl N200. When she also demanded for a handset, he gave her N1,500 to buy a phone.
Four days after the first sexual activity, Alabi invited the girl to his place again for another bout. Few months later, the girl became pregnant. Her condition was discovered by her grand mother who questioned her and she fingered Alabi as the man responsible for her state.

It was the girl's elder sister who went to the police to report the case of defilement and Pa Alabi was promptly arrested.
A police source informed Tribune that the suspect’s neighbours said it was in the old man’s character to go after under-aged girls.
In an interview, Pa Alabi admitted having sex with the girl and the paternity of the baby. He also agreed to marry her and take care of her and the baby when born. According to the man who lives at his family house at Oje area:

"I am a carpenter and I still work till the present time. I even take roofing jobs. I am very strong.

I have two daughters and a son. My first wife gave birth to the female children but had to be taken away by her people when she developed mental illness. My second wife is the mother of the boy who is an SSS3 student but she has left for another man. Currently, I have no wife.

I don’t go looking for any woman. I usually have sex with any of the married women who like me and come to me for sex. This is not always though."

Source: tribune

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