Monday 27 October 2014

Man Sells for $200,000

While most people’s reaction to the Ebola outbreak is at least fear and at most, well anything upwards from fear, one man has managed to make money.

Businessman, Jon Schultz of Blue String Ventures, who bought for $13,500 in 2008 [I can’t imagine why] has now capitalized on news headlines around the globe and flipped the domain for $200,000 [Now I see it!].

According to an SEC filing, the buyer is a Russian company called Weed Growth Fund, which is paying $50,000 in cash and handing over 19,192 shares, valued at around $164,000, that it holds in another  company.

It is unclear what the Russian company that will take ownership of the domain has planned for For now, the website remains unchanged with generic news articles on Ebola and Amazon affiliate links.

Schultz and his business partner Chris Hood also own and Their tactic is pretty clear: buy generic domains they can flip for a sizable profit. That approach looks a bit murky when you’re dealing with a lethal virus that’s claiming lives every day.

Schultz was inspired to buy by the movie ‘Outbreak’, which ‘entranced him’.

Source: The Verge

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