Thursday 30 October 2014

Boko Haram Locally financed —Intelligence Reveals

It has been revealed that the Boko Haram sect is locally financed.
An intelligence source revealed to the Nigerian Tribune that analysis carried out by security agencies showed that the terrorists got their funds through banditry, looting, bank robberies, kidnapping and demand for ransom.
Also it was gathered from the intelligence source that they looted Mamman Ghadafi’s Armory in Libya, which is the biggest in Africa, from where the arms found their way to Mali, Chad, Nigeria and other neighbouring countries.

The source added that the insurgents also got their arms through Nigerian soldiers, who usually abandoned them and ran away.
On the $9.3 million, South Africa arms deal, the security source said the transaction was legitimate, legal and constitutionally organised in line with international best practices.
However, the source revealed that along the line, something went wrong and what was supposed to be neatly executed, went awry, as South African officials posed problem.
According to the security source, the South Africa officials looked at the documents accompanying the money, including the end users’ certificate, which were signed by the officer of the National Security Adviser and discovered that all were in order.
It added that some fifth columnists in Nigeria used their high level connection to botch what was supposed to be a legitimate business, in order to embarrass the government, because of their connection with the South African government.
The source added that everything had been cleared and the dust settled down, while both countries were careful so that it did not degenerate to diplomatic row.
Sourcet: 247nigerianewsupdate

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